Luisa found two videos having to do with Orientalism: both cartoons and both being opposite in each other in nature (meaning one has views of Orientals as barbaric and the other shows Westerners the same way). Allow we weren’t able to show these videos in class, you can view them below:
Further, to tie in “Borderlands” to the project we decided to put together a game that we called “Four Corners.” The point of the game was for the class to decide which four things: gender, religion, culture and social class affects them the most when a series of questions are asked one at a time. I tied this part of the presentation together by explaining, using the words of Anzaldua, that “Culture forms our beliefs…[and that] we perceive the version of reality that it communicates (Anzaldua 1018).
Work Cited
Ryan, Michael. Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin. Grand Rapids: Blackwell Limited, 2008.
Ryan, Michael. Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin. Grand Rapids: Blackwell Limited, 2008.
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